Global generosity is in our DNA.

In addition to trips, our church allocates 25% of our budget to support missions all over the globe! Here are a list of global missions partners, missionaries, and organizations that we support financially.


Planet Earth, here we come!

The Gospel of Jesus is so amazing, we just can't keep it to ourselves. And we mean it. It's too good to be true.

No wonder they call it the good news. 

When we look at the world, we see how Christ binds people together. No matter the city or country. His love is irresistible and his compassion leads to faith and through faith we receive salvation. 

If you look at the world through the lens of the Gospel you will understand the command to "go" and reach people with the good news, to share that love and compassion in tangible ways. 

You will respond to this great commission filled with joy. Joy that comes only from Jesus. 

Because of this, we align our mission and vision with this great commission and seek tangible ways to help connect all people to the community of Christ. 

We build Common Ground.


Serve others in ways that build, strengthen, repair, or improve the community as an intentional strategy for reaching people for Christ and connecting them with a local body of believers.


Equip the local church, the leaders and especially the pastors of those local churches to reach their community through education, training, encouragement and development.


Evangelism through Vacation Bible School, door-to-door, prayer walking, Jesus film and other gospel centered events that help build community and point people toward the body of Christ.


Addressing the community through the teaching and proclamation of God’s Word for his heart for the widow, the orphan, the pre-born, and the exploited. 


  • PERU // Indigenous Amazon Ministries
  • UGANDA // Charles Bagenda Pastoral Training Institute
  • UNDISCLOSED LOCATION // The Graham Family
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