Join us on December 24th @ 5:30pm for a special Christmas Eve Family Service 🎉 🎉
A Christmas Eve Service to remind you that God has better things to say about you.
What better time to gather with friends and family to celebrate the Good News of Jesus' birth!
🎄 Here’s the deal…
It’s easy to get caught up in all the hustle and busyness of the Holiday Season… 🤯
Christmas lights, shopping, decorations, parties, and even family drama… 😳
So this year we want to invite you take time out to slow down and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas…
Join us on December 24th @ 5:30PM for a special Family Christmas Eve Service.
You’ll enjoy live Christmas Music, FREE Hot Chocolate, Candy Canes, and a whole lot more…
✅ An Inspiring Christmas Message
✅ Kids Christmas Presentation
✅ Special Christmas Gift For Every Family
✅ Live Christmas Music
✅ Free Hot Chocolate and Christmas Treats
✅ Free Candy Canes for the Kids
🎉 🎉 Come celebrate with us December 24th @ 5:30pm!
All we ask is that you Plan Your Visit below so that we can save a spot for you, and give your kids a free welcome gift!
So Plan Your Visit now and we’ll see you on December 24th at 5:30pm...
Bryant Elementary, 29801 Kingsland Boulevard, Brookshire, TX 77423 (map it)
✅ An Inspiring Christmas Message
✅ Kids Christmas Presentation
✅ Special Christmas Gift For Every Family
✅ Live Christmas Music
✅ Free Hot Chocolate and Christmas Treats
✅ Free Candy Canes for the Kids
A gathering full of music, a special time for the kids, and the message of the Good News of Christmas.
Bryant Elementary, 29801 Kingsland Boulevard, Brookshire, TX 77423 (map it)
Here’s the deal…
We do things a little differently around here…
We know it can be a little weird or even awkward visiting a church for the first time…
That’s why we created Plan Your Visit.
When you sign up for Plan Your Visit we’ll:
✅ meet you at the front door
✅ help you get your kids acclamated
✅ introduce you around to a few people
✅ save you seats
✅ we’ll even sit with you if you want (so you don't have to sit by yourself)
We want to make your first visit as easy as possible, and actually take time to get to know you and your family.
Pretty crazy idea, right?
Will you come hang out with us on Christmas Eve?
Just click on the Plan Your Visit button below and schedule your visit for Christmas Eve!
Yes! This will be a Family Service, meaning there will be no childcare available. Our service is designed for the entire family, so bring the kids along!
Our Family Christmas Eve Service will include Christmas Carols, a special time for the kids, and a short message of the hope of Christmas. We will also have a special gift for each family that will make Christmas 2024 a memorable one!
Our service will be less than an hour long. We'll get you out in time for your to enjoy the rest of Christmas Eve evening with your family.
When you come in, you'll be greeted by our Welcome Team. You can then enjoy some cookies, cocoa, or coffee, and grab a seat. We have a gift for every new guest, so don't forget to stop by the Welcome Table before you leave to get it!
We don't care if you have tattoos
We don't care how you dress
We don't care if you have a past
Hi, my name is Jon.
I believe that you are uniquely wired by God for a specific purpose, and that unless you figure out what that purpose is, you'll never be truly fulfilled.
No one else on earth can fulfill the unique calling that God has for you.
No one else can fulfill your assignment.
Maybe you know exactly what your purpose is, maybe you've been running from it for a while, or maybe you have absolutely no idea where to even start looking for it...
But I want to help you find it.
Because I believe that the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who actually do...
➡️ no awkward first visit
➡️ no confusing church language
➡️ no judgmental church people
➡️ your kids will beg you to come back!
Common Ground is different.
Will you come hang out with us on Christmas Eve?
Don't worry, we've got you covered.
When you plan your visit we'll send you all the details you need to know!