We want to provide you a list of resources, links, files, and more during this time. Will be updated constantly.

COVID-19 Center for Disease Control Website
For up to date information, check the CDC site regularly.

Downloads and Other Helpful Information

Printable "Love Your Neighbor" Card to fill out and distribute to your neighbors. A great simple way to serve!
Free grab-n-go breakfast and lunch service for all children 18 and under!

Resources for kids while at home out of school

Lunch Doodles with Author Mo Willems (art lessons) Each weekday at 1:00 p.m. ET

Super STEM Movies List with Parent/Teacher Guides
Super STEM Movies

KatyISD Council of PTAs Art Contest
Katy ISD Council of PTAs Art Contest

Cassie Stephens, Art Teacher, with Art Lessons and Projects for at Home

3 Weeks of "Maker Stations"
Teach Outside the Box - 3 Weeks of "Maker Stations" to keep your students creating at home! Each challenge includes simple instructions using materials around the house, QR code video resources, and a student recording sheet. Please feel free to share directly with students’ families.

100+ Indoor Activities from

A Chart With iPad apps for Students with Special Needs
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