What you believe drives everything. The way you behave, the habits you form, the character that defines you at your core— all are driven by what you believe.
It’s not enough to believe something as the right answer; you must believe it as a way of life.
BELIEVE helps you understand the key beliefs of Christianity that, when embraced in the mind and heart, create true change in our individual lives, in the church, and in the world.
Feb 7 - Apr 25, 2021
Understanding what you believe is just the beginning. To become like Jesus, your beliefs need to not only inform you but also transform you. It is the practices of reaching up to God and out to others that drive beliefs from your head...to your heart.
BELIEVE teaches you the life-giving spiritual disciplines that will lead you in fulfilling your mission to love God and love your neighbor.
Jun 6 - Aug 8, 2021
Jesus wants us to bear fruit that glorifies God and brings great joy to us and to others. For this to happen, we must remain in Christ. And the longer we remain in community with Christ, the more spiritual fruit, or virtues, we will produce.
BELIEVE illuminates the virtues—the outward life changes in us—that are formed by the 10 beliefs and cemented through the 10 practices. It is a grand cycle that shapes us into the image of Christ more and more every day.
Sep 26 - Nov 28, 2021
Grounded in Scripture, Believe, is a unique spiritual growth experience that takes you on a journey to think, act, and be more like Jesus. General editor and pastor Randy Frazee walks you through ten key beliefs of the Christian faith, ten key practices of a Jesus-follower, and ten key virtues that characterize someone who is becoming more like Jesus.
We encourage every family to purchase the book for you to follow along. Each week, we will reach the chapter of the previous Sunday's sermon topic.
You can purchase one at church on Sundays for a discounted price of $5 or order on Amazon or Christian Book Distributors.
Key Concepts Chart
This downloadable chart summarizes the 30 big ideas found in Scripture and shown in the BELIEVE program–10 key beliefs, 10 key practices, and 10 key virtues of a person who is becoming more like Jesus. At a glance, see which specific concepts are covered in the program and which chapter addresses each belief, practice, or virtue in the Believe and Think, Act, Be Like Jesus books.
See When and Where Topics are Covered
The chart provides an overview of the entire program. At a glance, see where specific concepts are covered in the program. Also use this as a quick reference for what chapter the topics can be found in the Believe and Think, Act, Be Like Jesus books.